Duna 1 bis
Duna 2 bis
Duna 2
Duna 1
Logo giallo
Logo verde
Logo viola
Logo ottanio
pianta 2
pianta 1
costume 7
costume 6
costume 5
costume 4
costume 3
costume 2
costume 1
costume 0


Our boxer is realized with sustainable materials. !00% organic cotton certified GOTS  (Global Organic Textile Standard), printed with materials at low enviromental impact. Also the coulisse is realized in organic cotton certified GOTS. The inside part is realized in jersey 100% organic cotton certified GOTS, which is light, soft and elastic at the same time. The embroidery of the logo Dunà® is realized in cotton by a company that receives energy from photovoltaic installations and uses recycled cotton.

The boxer thus is completely recyclable (finally!) and it doesn’t contain any syhnthetic materail. The production of the boxer is performed by a small artisanal company in Veneto, with mulpiple years of experience in the production of clothes “Made in Italy”.

Our pattern makers are craftwomen very expert and careful to every single step of the production. They develop all the cathegories for different niche brands and for some (a few) very well known brands. They are professionals with a full dedication to the noble art of textile and can produce high quality products withparticular attention to the details. These are not industrial but taylor made products, “like we did in the past", that today we find it difficult to buy in the current markets.


In 2019 we have thought about the species of plants and flowers which are in extinction danger (unfortunately, most of the times, because of us!) in the world but also here in Italy, in our country: among those, we have selected some, the one we liked more and those we wanted to bring to your attention. These are the one we would love to see again in nature, for us and for our future generations.


Our brand: Dunà® is a registered trademark and it comes from a special place (for us) on the Adriatic cost: Duna Verde.

What’s that? It’s a small place, fragile, that has its particular name because it is surrounded by amazing dunes that start with a pine forest and end in the sea. The humans tried several times (and they are still trying) to destroy, for merely economic interests, this rich natural ecosystem but the nature is fighting hard to survive and keep its spaces. In Duna Verde there is a compromise between men and nature. This place is, for us, a symbol of precious equilibrium, a small seed of reconciliation and coexistence that men can achieve with someone grateful with himself.

Our logo: a Ginkgo biloba leaf, ancient plant of irresistible tenacity. It is survived to prehystory, will it survive to us? It changes colour, it growths but it doesn’t change shape. It evolvs but remembering what it is. It brings us beauty and high class serendipity. We would like our products to bring you the same feelings.